Tuesday, December 23, 2014

New Angrecoid Alliance website...

Here is the link for the Angraecoid Alliance website:  http://angraecoids.blogspot.com/

Here is the website link for the society alliance:


2014, a year of disappointments

I haven't been able to utilize my Missouri Botanical Garden memberships like I should've.  I never did get to go to Shaw's Gardens at all in 2014.  I never made it to a local orchid society meeting, either.  Because of expenses and my father's hospice care, I'm giving up renewing my orchid society membership.

However, my plants are still alive.  Just.  I'd like to get more when I have the money.  That won't happen for a while.  Other things have take priority.  Like bills and car payments.  I still have the MOBOT membership for all of 2015.  I plan on making it to the Garden at some point in the year.  If not to see the annual orchid show at the end of January 2015.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Bought some orchids from Tropical Orchid Farm

I bought some orchids from Tropical Orchid Farm in Maui, Hawaii this spring.  The plants are doing OK.  I just wish I had some artificial lights to help them flower.  But I'll manage.  Somehow...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Too much happening on Friday evenings..

I thought I'd be able to make it to the Orchid Society of Greater St. Louis' monthly meetings on the 2nd Friday of each months.  That hasn't happened this year.  I don't see it happening anytime soon.

It's a shame.  I'd like to be active in OSGTL.  However, it's an older crowd.  And I don't have anything blooming right now.  I'm just going to order some orchids from Tropical Orchid Farm in Maui, Hawaii in May 2014 and replace some plants I lost due to neglect.  I need to take better care of my orchids.

As an aside, OSGSTL is going to have their annual orchid auction in August 2014 at the Missouri Botanical Garden for anyone interested in purchasing orchids from them....


Monday, January 20, 2014

OSGSL Annual Show January 31, 2014 to February 2, 2014 at MOBOT

The 2014 Orchid Society of Greater St. Louis's Annual Show will be held January 31, 2014 to February 2014 at MOBOT.  More information is on the OSGSL website.  http://www.osogsl.org/calendar.php

The annual Orchid Show is a fundraiser for OSGSL.  The Missouri Botanical Garden also hosts its orchid show along with the OSGSL show.  However, the MOBOT Orchid show will go onto into March 2014.

However, OSGSL hosts its monthly meetings at MOBOT on the second Friday of each month at 7:30 PM.  There are usually speakers on a variety of topics and plants for sale.  If interested, please plan to attend a meeting in order to learn more about the wonderful world of orchids.
